ARTIST: Harmoniüm
RELEASE: Optikon
FORMAT: Digital
Cat.#: PAR-008
LABEL: Pacific-Atlantic Records
RELEASE DATE: 4th March 2012
FILE UNDER: Ambient, Noise, Abstract
Theoretically, a sonic vessel travelling to other celestial bodies such as the 55 Cancri b, could carry with them waves or other auditive artefacts ubiquitous on Earth, thus raising the possibility that we can seed music on other planetary bodies.
This is a concern among researchers who try to prevent Earth contamination from distorting data, especially in regards to finding possible extraterrestrial music.
Even the best sterilization techniques cannot guarantee that potentially invasive rhythmic or tonal materials will not be unintentionally carried along. The harsh environments encountered throughout the rest of the solar system so far do not seem to support complex terrestrial sound design.
However, material exchange in form of meteor impacts has existed and will exist in the solar system even without human intervention.
Track listing:
Earthrise 05:00
Portrait - Landscape 10:00
Difference Engine 05:00
Panspermia 09:59
Total running time 29:59
This album is composed of both purely synthesized elements and field recordings. Recording locations: Parainen, Helsinki and Hanko.
Composed and mixed at Pacific-Atlantic Studios by Twisted Krister, July 2011 – March 2012.
Instruments: Doepfer + Din Sync modular synthesizer, Korg Monotribe, EHX Freeze, Boss SYB-3 and DSD-2 FX pedals, PC audio edit suite.
Released 4th March 2012
Cat. # PAR-008